Relationship of Husband and Wife

           This article is about Husbend Wife Relationship. In this article i try to explain the relationship of husbend and wife and i also explain about the problems that are usually bear by them and i also suggest some solution regarding their problems.  


     Philospher Bano Qudsia's quote is that "relationship of husband and wife is actually depends upon husband's behavior.For example when husband look at his wife with smiling face and don't behave rudely on her mistakes,wife automatically grooms and become more beautiful day by day.A famous quote is that " when you says a woman beautiful she became more beautiful day by day,you say her innocent she became innocent day by day .She will take a lot of care and loves you.



       If we read the Islamic history we came to know that Hazrat Muhammad's life give us a great lesson about this relationship.He was very loving and caring husband and teaches us that how we make relationship successful and spend happy life together.He realize us that this relationship is so beautiful.

     When you care and love your wife,then your wife will become a shade full tree in hot summer season.She will take care of your favorite color, food even everything you like.

     Sometimes husband tries to take care and love to her wife but wife discourage him.She behaves rudely on his soft behavior.She don't care of her husband's any thing like his clothes his food.This makes man rude and curious.He realize that every woman in world is like his wife.He seeks attention in other girls.He join bad companies and in result they both make their home's environment bad.This affect their children and destroy their personalities.



         Husband and wife relationship if they had a good relationship their children personality is automatically very nice and if their relationship is bad their children personality destroy and they become a bad person even you will educate them but they don't care of you and your words.They will not give imporance to your words and any thing else.Their future will destroyed and they will make you the responsible of all of this.

Husbend Wife Relationship

     Sometimes good and sometimes bad, whatsoever it is, it is necessity of all people. God has created this very beautiful relationship so that his souls love each other and indirectly they love Almighty.

      If there is rift in one such relationship, it is overall hurting for both the partners. Love is necessity of life and particular love from your partner is of utmost importance.

     I would like to pen down few points which convinced me from Book “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus" regarding Husband wife relationship. I was truly amazed by author's research on this very sensitive relationship. You can relate to most of below given points while you are reading to your own circumstances. 

     Let us first see how there is basic difference as said by author between men and women.

He says both belong to different planets and so difference in behaviour is bound to happen.

Once people understand this basic difference, there is going to be end all rifts in husband wife relationship.

Men from Mars are like rubber bands
This may sound bit odd when I say men are like rubber bands, but which is very true.
When husband loves his wife, he cannot continue to express to her after certain time limit. 

      When couple start loving each other, husband's love is at peak. He will do any rounds of action to convince his wife that he loves him.

    But as I said, men are like rubber bands. There is concept called Pulling away which is true in case of most of men. When they start loving their partner, and when they reach peak of that love, there is need for him to pull away. Pulling away does not mean that he is not loving his partner, but just that he needs some space with his wife.

    Pulling away can be in form of talking to friend, watching TV, computers, anything which he prefers to stay away from daily chore activities. Also when he is facing any problem, he goes into his cave and pulls away. He does not share his problem with her wife. Also he does not like to discuss the same with her. Pulling away is trying to forget one problem.

    Author has compared men to rubber bands because, as rubber bands needs to be stretched to largest possible extent so that it again comes to its normal position.

    Men need to pull away totally. If his wife keeps saying that he does not love him and prevents men from going in to his cave, he may not be able to pull away completely. If this happens he may lose his love for her.

    So all women- if your husband needs some space and does not want to discuss about problem, just let go. He will surely come to you once he is fully stretched as rubber band. Don't bother him much by again and again discussing same things.

Women from Venus are like waves:

Contradictory to men, when women face any problem, she just discusses everything that comes to her mind with her husband. What she wants is just listening ear.

But men do mistake by giving advise and suggestions to her when she is totally frustrated with things.

When she is one problem, she may not discuss about those things and start discussing about old things which are not all related to present one. It is her way of releasing her tension.

She is like a wave, if she is having problem, let her burst to all possible extent. When wave crashes across rock, it automatically goes away.

If she is telling her husband about her frustrations, it may sound to man as if she is blaming him or his family. But in truth, she is just releasing her tension by communication.

So all men: just listen to your wives when she is in tension. Do not advise or suggest anything. Then she may be able to get to her normal self.

When does problems occur:

As we saw basic difference between men and women communications and actions, problem occur when both of them expect other to be like them,

This is just not possible.

Wife is frustrated, she wants to speak of her problems, but man wants to pull away which adds to their conflict.
So follow above given tips, and husband wife relationship will be most beautiful of all you have!Using these tips you can be successful couple amongst all others!

          So please both husband and wife trying to make their relationship good and happily.Husband and wife are the base of home and base of all relationships.If they both live happily together,their home will become paradise and other relationships will become very good and perfect and if their relationship is bad,then their home will destroyed and all relationships will came to end.